I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season! I am so glad that's it all over and done with and now I can relax and work on trying to figure out my health situation (nothing serious).
Most of my tatting in the last few weeks were these:
I included one with every Christmas card that went out (even poked a hole in each card so just the snowflake was incorporated into the awesome New York Giants/winter field scene...). ;-)
I was pretty distracted after the first batch since I'd gotten that flip figured out and the amazingly generous Ms. Fox sent me Clovers, plastic bobbins, and some Finca thread!!!! :-* Thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU MS. FOX!!!! The Clovers are a delight and feel much more comfortable than the metal shuttle I was using --especially since I was terrified about cutting myself removing and replacing the bobbin! It feels so sharp to me! :-/ So, yes, I am still shuttling too! :-) Most of my rings still don't seem to want to close properly (completely, I mean), but I'm gettin' there!!
Of course, I am still playing with my needles as well! Even venturing into tatting without a pattern or just letting the thread tell me how it wants to be shaped. Yup... I want to "design" at least one thing in 2012.
Aside from all that, thanks to Ms. Diane's sharing of her beautiful creations, I've been looking into Romanian Point Lace. That might just be another 2012 thing to be accomplished. ;-)
Well, this is getting long so I'm just going to post it. My new modem should be here tomorrow so I'm going to try and post more frequently... I'm getting myself on a schedule in life (which is VERY good) and the modem will hopefully let my laptop online which will make blogging more frequently much easier for me, I think... We shall see, right?
Love to you all!
Stephanie Grace
My artwork is in Artistonish magazine!
1 week ago
Your snowflakes are wonderful! I'm sure those Christmas cards were beautiful!
Those snowflakes are so sweet!! :)
Since I'm not feeling as lazy, I decided to get off my butt and grab the book with the pattern for the tiny snowflakes (In Size 20, they were an inch or inch and a half-ish). The pattern is from "Heirloom Treasures in Tatting ~ Annie's Attic; I''ts Snowflake No. 1 on Page 9 and the design is by Rebecca Hollenbaugh. they're tiny and tat up pretty quick, so it seemed like the best pattern for the amount I had to make in the three (?) weeks I found myself with to get cards out.
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