I decided to tat Mary Konior's "Queen of Hearts" as a gift for someone. Since said person likes purple, I went for it. BIG MISTAKE! Every time I touch purple, it twists, tangles, and knots itself into submission! I go two rings and three chains in and then the thread decided that it wanted to hate me. I set it down and, after three days of fighting with the same knot, I think I've given up. It means not having enough purple to finish, but I'm pretty sure I'll get over it. I just can't get this stinkin' knot out no matter what I try. Frustrated? Oh yes, I am! I'm going to give it a go in another thread, even if it's not favored colors. I can always do purple another time. Right? Right. (Not that I'll ever buy purple, but variegated with a touch of purple, sure...).
I have to get bookmarks done and I want to work on edging the plain bath towels that fill my bathroom when my favored towels are getting washed. I also still need to finish that bear (yes, I know I'm horrible... I'm just intimidated by it) and I finally found these really pretty bandannas that I bought a few years back to make a pillow with. Of course, they're red and don't match... no, red matches my blue couches, right? Right. (It's also just about the same print as my bath towels, but those are black...).
Okay, less rambling, more tatting...
See y'all later!
-Stephanie Grace
Cleaning up...
2 days ago