First of all, I would like to thank Susan and Wanda for the wonderful exchanges! I meant to scan everything once I got my end out but, well, I never seem to get anything done on that wonderful "I Want To Do" list... Maybe next time one of you can send me a dirty dish so it can be cross-over onto the daily To Do list? :-D Both exchanges were amazing and I can't thank either one of you enough. Seeing your tatting made me think that maybe I am really doing this right! THANK YOU!!!
Thursday, I received the print and cards that I won from Fishing and Wishing (click the button on the right and go check them out! It's awesome!). I'm in love with it all and can't wait to post pictures of what I received --I will tomorrow, I swear. I hope. It's all gorgeous!!!
Friday was a BIG disappointment. No mail! There should be laws against me not getting mail on my birthday!
Then, Saturday came and I got a WONDERFUL surprise when I opened my parents' mailbox and found my threads from Roberta over at (work in progress)!!! I was way too giddy over threads... or so say those that don't understand! Then, I rushed home in time to get my package from!!! Sure, I'm disappointed that my black solid wasn't in there, but I'll survive. YAY me!!! :-D Such a wonderful day!
Of course, my other package (the one from LACIS with my rosewood needles) got close on the same day, but won't be here tomorrow due to Sunday and Labor Day. Ugh. Why can't we have the option to get mail everyday???
So, that's all the really GREAT stuff that's happened... And Mom getting out of the hospital on the fourth, of course! Right in time to join us for our barbecue! :-D
There's more to come and, yeah, I tatted another butterfly, but not much else --I started Queen of Hearts again, but I don't like the color combination, so I stopped that and then tatted another butterfly since I got the Size 15 and 16 crochet hooks that allowed me to FINALLY use my Czech 11/0 seed beads! :-D Picture to come.
Well, that's me checking in. Tomorrow should bring plenty o' pictures for everyone. :-D I'm also thinking of starting another blog so that this one can focus strictly on tatting and the other can be for all rambling of everything else... Just can't think of a name for it... Then again, I also want to give this one a new name... Any thoughts?
-Stephanie Grace
Salutations Trail Tote
15 hours ago
Graceful Knots for this one?
I sure hope your birthday was great! :)
And I hope you enjoy all your new stuff!
Have a great week!
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