Am I alive? Yes.
Am I still around? Honestly, I haven't signed into blogger in months. I haven't read blogs, etc...
I'm not going to delve into reasoning or start justifying it because I just can't. I think often of mailing the things out. I think often of finally finishing the shuttles and giving them a coating of spray... but, I get distracted or remember my plan to go downstairs and spray by the open door which makes me want to cry because cold and stairs just mean pain. I think of spraying up here, but I'm afraid of getting Ozzy high --or killing him, from the fumes (yeah, paranoia. I love my baby.).
I will still mail things. I still have addresses. Of course, it would be easier if you sent me a new e-mail with your address because my inbox is, as always, a mess.
Also, after everything is sent, I don't know if I'll update this blog anymore. I want to blog still but, as with several other aspects of my life, I need a fresh start. I have plans to start a new blog --and have even obtained an account and address for it, but it's empty for now and it will not be only tatting. Yes, I still tat, but I want something that encompasses all of my hobbies --that encompasses me. This blog doesn't do that anymore.
I love you all and thank you all for reading my ramblings for this long. ♥
Stephanie Grace
Cleaning up...
1 day ago
I forgot to say that I won't be posting a link to or the address of the new blog here. If you ever want to know where I'll be, just e-mail and ask. ;-)
Sometimes the every day workings of life just get in the way. I would love to read your new blog!
I, too, would love to read your new log!
I'm asking, too, Stephanie. Please send me your new blog addy. Sending you a hug.
Stephanie, please send me your new blog address, you have my email address. Watch for an email from me, please.
I keep hoping you will pick this one back up as I just started following you :)
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