Here is the picture of the red flower from the previous post with my attempt at greenery, as well as my black flower and off-white clover. The colors are off in the picture, but the general idea is still there, I guess... I still have much to learn.
The black was done from memory of the red one, in a pathetic attempt to recreate the flower properly... I ended up with something that I like, I think (maybe once it's "blocked"?). The white one in the picture was me going with the same pattern in my head, but I forgot to join, so I ended up with more of a clover as I gave up once I noticed my mistake....
Needles -Check. Thread -Check. Time -Check. Patience-Err... We'll see.
About a month ago, I bought some tatting supplies and decided that I would learn how to do it no matter what. I was ecstatic when my supplies showed up and was overjoyed when I made my first ring. Two days later, life changed and we moved for the second time within two weeks.
Last night, finally, I decided to take out the supplies and get down to business. I made two flowers! Not very good flowers, but they look like flowers, I think...
The gold one came first. I was following a patten found on the internet (Flower and Butterfly Bookmark by Sharon Albers). I then realized that I was following the pattern for one flower while looking at another. So, I tried again, this time with the right patten-to-picture match... And, so, the red one was created. Both were created using embroidery floss, six strands, since I got tired of wasting all of the tatting thread that I have not found to be so readily available in my area.
Today, I attempted adding a leaf to the red flower... Mind you, without a clue as to HOW to do it. It didn't come out very well, but I may post a picture later anyway... Other "doodles" in tatting today: A flower in black, using size 20 thread and an off-white clover in size 30... which was actually supposed to be a flower, but I messed up.
So, what do we have? A bunch of little rings EVERYWHERE! I will get this right... Won't I? -Stephanie Grace