Yup, still around --and still tatting! :-D For my second round of the 25 Motif Challenge, I decided to go with 25 Heritage Crosses by Dee Powell from Tatted Bookmarks Needle and Shuttle edited by Barbara Foster.
I really love this pattern. I think it's probably because it's a steady 5-count all the way through... everything is either 5-5 or 5+5 and, well, for a person with a "numbers quirk" like me, that well-rounded 5 makes it a happy pattern! LOL. ;-)
The final two rings and chains continue to trip me up a bit, but I've been working right through that... (Well, except for the last one that's still waiting to be completed...).
I've made 7 so far and set a goal for all 25 to be done by the end of July. Should be easy, right? *rolls eyes*
Left: Motif #2. Lizbeth 651, Size 20.
Right: Motif #1, LizBeth Gold, Size 20.
Left: Motif #3. Lizbeth Seashells, Size 20.
Right: Motif #4. Lizbeth Peacock Blues, Size 20.
And, here is #4 with some added decor! :-)
She'll be heading out to Hawaii in the coming days! I really hope it holds up and doesn't fall apart... *worries*
Well, I hope that all is well with everyone... Hubby busted a blood vessel in his eye, so I've been living with a man that looks like something for a horror movie!!! No really....
Lovely, right?
Happy tatting and love to you all! :-*
-Stephanie Grace
Cleaning up...
2 days ago